Monday, July 20, 2009

That's a longggg time!

Well, tomorrow Leon and I celebrate 18 years together. Eighteen years with the love of my life! We pretty much grew up together and now here we are growing old together-it's happening rather quickly too, I might add. :) Of course, we've had our ups and downs...tell me, who hasn't? But here we stand, hand in hand-together. In 18 years, we've experienced death of grandparents, illnesses of parents, deaths of our best friends, losing a baby, moving, job changes, a car jacking, a flood, and a terrible car accident. We've also shared many moments of bliss: laughs, two beautiful children, buying a home, graduating college, renewal of our wedding vows, vacations, a baptism, and so many other fond memories. I will say that this man completes me. He loves me, in spite of me. He makes me whole and makes me laugh more than anyone I've ever met. He is soft, gentle and would do anything for me. I can honestly say, I hope my son grows up to be just like his dad and I hope my daughter marries someone like him, too. He's the provider for our family and he's a hard, dedicated, honest worker..that's hard to find in an Auto Technician you know... :) He loves my mom-that means alot to a girl. He would do anything for anyone. He's my best friend and my biggest fan. He thinks I'm wonderful, even when I don't see it. There isn't a day that goes by that we don't laugh. Laughter is very important in our house. Due to that, there isn't a Mexican or white people joke we haven't said, a shower taken without a prank played, a jumping out and scaring each other, or a wrestling move that we haven't tried on each other. I'm blessed beyond belief. Many people spend their whole lives searching for that one person that truly gets them. I found mine. God decided mine would live right up the street in Goree, TX when I was a mere 14 years old. Eighteen years later, here we stand..That Crazy Redhead and that Little Latino, still in love. It's hard to believe it's been that long ago that we walked the town, spend time on the sidewalk that never ended, front porch dated, shared a Camelot Village, drove on bridges with napkins and saw Homeward Bound while sharing a pizza. I love you, Leon..and I'm so proud of the life we've made and the life we live together with our sweet babies. But I'm getting a present, right?? :)

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Loved this post -- especially the final question! LOL.
