Thursday, July 9, 2009

Multi-tasking might not be for me...

I woke up the other morning feeling quite ambitious. I made Makayla and Aidan eggs for breakfast, put chicken and rice in the crock pot for dinner all while talking to my sister on the phone. I was quite proud...well, until.....

I picked up the eggs to pour them onto the kids plate and I had forgotten the handle on my pan is kinda jiggly. It isn't to bad, but my first reaction was to stop the eggs from hitting the floor(which wouldn't have happened anyway, b/c the jiggle isn't that bad, really.) and I grabbed the bottom of the pan to stop the jiggle. The pan was hot. My index finger actually stuck to the pan. I didn't say any naughty words..I was pretty proud about that. :) I managed to burn all of my fingers and part of my thumb! It hurt bad! It was that kinda hurt that makes you nauseous. My sister talked me through. I ran it under coldish water and then applied a whole bunch of polysporin to my hand, several times that day. It's better today, but I'll admit I milked it while it lasted...which wasn't that long if you ask me. :/ Leon loaded the dishwasher, cleaned the counters and did a load of laundry. I watched with my mouth opened wide. I should have taken a picture. This doesn't happen to often in the Sanchez household...I would have liked to captured the memory. I'm better now. All crusty but better! Stinkin multi-tasking, only gets you in trouble. Don't try it. :)


  1. OUCH!!! My hand hurts just thinking about you grabbing the pan. Hope it's better by now...
