Sunday, June 21, 2009

So we thought a pool was a great idea until...

Ear Infections! Makayla had swimmer's ear last week and this week apparently, it's Aidan's turn. I always want my kids to take turns, but come on!!! Makayla saw the doctor last week and they gave us a free sample of those ever-so-wonderful $100 drops. Thank God. Then 3 days later she was much better. Makayla is awful...let me repeat...AWFUL about being sick or taking any kind of medicine. It's a battle. I win, but it's a battle, none the less. By the time we are done medicating Makayla, I feel like I need to be in an institution. It drives me crazy! Why won't the kid take the medicine knowing she will feel better if she did?? UGH!!! Then Aidan went this week to see the Dr. just for a check-up. He said when the kids are done swimming put a few drops of the over the counter drops in their ears just to dry them out, so I did. I did Aidan's and then 3 hours later he woke up with ear pain...on a Friday night! GREAT. So we have battled the ear pain for 2 days now until we can get to the doctor on Monday. I really think maybe I shouldn't have put the drops in Aidan's ears. If it's not broke, don't fix it...comes to mind. I feel horrible, wondering if this is what has caused his ear pain. I know how very bad ear infections hurt. I had horrible ears as a child! HORRIBLE. I had tubes put in in 1st grade and one fell out in 3rd grade-just like it was supposed to-but the other ear just kept having issue after issue. I finally saw a doctor and he saw a glimpse of something blue...yep, a tube! I was in 7th grade by then. I had to have it surgically removed. I've had to wear ear plugs in my ears while swimming and showering my whole life to avoid ear problems. I guess my kids will, too. So wish me luck tonight, because last night Aidan woke me up every hour on the hour in pain. Poor buddy. On to the doctor pool this week....and ear plugs for the rest of the summer! Hopefully, this third trip to the doctor is the charm....We'll see.


  1. Just a thought, why don't you make them wear plugs if this is such a problem for them?

  2. They've never had this problem before, ever! This is the first for both of them. They never even had ear issues when they were babies or anything. Nothing at all. I just don't get it..why now?
