Friday, May 15, 2009

Field Day...

Oh, the joys of Field Day! Let me tell you, first of all, this is an all day affair! I got to go to Aidan's in the morning and be a spectator. Well sorta. Mostly I yelled at him from across an area to stay out of the bounce house, and to be careful running in the water! UGH! That boy! Just remember this is the kid that had a broken femur about 8 months ago-so Doctor's orders: BE VERY CAREFUL, for let's say...the next 7 years! Do you really know how hard it is to monitor everything your 8 year old does? Especially an eight year old boy? Let me just tell ya, there are times I just wanna throw in the towel. I don't... but oh, man..there are times! Anyway, I put the sunscreen on him, then me, then off(ed) him..not literally..just with the bug repellent stuff. HA! And then we were off and running again. His ended pretty well and then I went home for a quick nap, because let's face it yelling at a busy eight year old is quite draining, and then headed for Makayla's turn. For Makayla's group I actually had to be a game monitor person. Guess what game they had me in charge of? WATER BLASTERS. Seriously, WATER BLASTERS...who thought this up? The point of the game was to run around with water soakers and just spray the tar outta your classmates. So who's bright idea was it to make the fairest skinned, redheaded chick in charge of this game? I am convinced it was someone with very olive skin trying to get a giggle. Needless to say, I have about 45421781 new freckles, bringing the total to 7484513216546512 now. Super. Oh well, me and my freckles had a great time and then I took my kids to Chuck E Cheese for dinner and a little more play time. I'm pretty sure we're sleeping in tomorrow!! :)


  1. Well, I love field day and our parents sign up for what they want to be in charge of! Wow you had a busy day! CEC for dinner huh!?! You are nuts!!

  2. Good luck keeping up with your boy! I have two and they wear me out!

    And you'd better be sure to protect those freckles, Mandi! :) I know, I know... I'm going overboard with this skin stuff now. Just call me your newly appointed, friendly, sunscreen-a-holic! ;-)
