Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another year gone...

Well, it's officially Summer for me! I said goodbye to the sweetest class. I truly had the sweetest, fun class this year. I made them a slide show of our year together and cried! I couldn't believe how much they grew up in our short time together. I have 3 that are returning to me next year and I am glad I get to love them for another year. I said Goodbye to a few that are really close to my heart. My Julia and my Cameron will go to Kindergarten next year...and I know they are ready. They will do fine but I know I will always see them as being my Julia and my Cameron. It gets harder, every year, to send them out of my door! I feel really blessed to be a preschool teacher. I get to train little soldiers for Christ. I try to encourage them to be more like Jesus and to help them grow up in HIS word. And then if they learn some letters, sounds, a little Spanish(very little, b/c let's face it...I'm one really white..white girl!) I feel like I've accomplished something. This year, this class was loving, sweet and we shared so many giggles. My biggest goal as a preschool teacher is to be the teacher I would have wanted for my own children. I'm pretty sure this is what I am meant to do in life. It's really a blessing to be around so many wonderful kids and appreciative parents. I am so thankful they shared their children with me this year. We had an amazing year and I spent it with amazing people.

Words I try to live by...
God understood our thirst for knowledge, and our need to be led by someone wiser; He needed a heart of compassion, of encouragement and patience; Someone who would accept the challenge regardless of the opposition; Someone who could see potential and believe the best in He made Teachers.

Oh, and for giggles and my fellow preschool teachers:

Top Ten Reasons to Become a Preschool Teacher
1. Cute little children. . .Cute little paycheck.
2. Confidence that you will never, ever forget to count to 10.
3. Attention span. . .Do they have one?
4. Shoes that untie themselves.
5. Get to sing your favorite songs over and over and over.
6. With all this bending, who needs aerobics?
7. Play, play, play.
8. Classroom art proudly displayed in kitchen "galleries".
9. Small hands. . .LARGE crayons.
10. We alone make little ones count.

:) I think I just might be blessed.

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